
Europe sees emergence of the ‘engaged Media Multi-Tasker’

Europe sees emergence of the ‘engaged Media Multi-Tasker’

There has been a marked increase in the number of people choosing to consume different media simultaneously, heralding the emergence of the engaged ‘Media Multi-Tasker’, according to new research from the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA).

The research shows the increasing shift towards media convergence, with TV and internet media multi-tasking growing 38% since 2006 and almost a quarter (22%) of all Europeans now using TV and internet simultaneously.

Media multi-taskers are heavy communicators online with more than half (51%) using instant messaging (v 27% of non multi-taskers) and communicating via social networks (53% v 33%) to share updates and opinions with friends and family.

Products / services bought online  TV and internet multi-taskers  Non TV and internet multi-taskers 
Travel tickets 57% 45%
Books 41% 36%
Electrical Goods 41% 27%
Clothes 41% 27%
Concert/theatre/festival tickets 41% 30%
Holidays 40% 32%

Media multi-taskers are also more inclined to take onboard information from the websites of well known brands (57% v 46% of non multi-taskers), price comparison websites (57% v 47%) and customer website reviews (54% v 41%) when researching or considering a product or service.

Almost half of TV and internet multi-taskers (48%) also admit to actively changing their mind about a brand to purchase after research on the internet compared to 36% of non multi-taskers.

Recent research from the Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe found that in 2008 the European online advertising market was worth €12.9 billion with a like-for-like growth rate compared to 2007 of 20% (see European online advertising worth €12.9bn in 2008).

The majority of European media multi-taskers are aged under 35, said the EIAA. One quarter (25%) of those who mix their media regularly fall within the digital youth category (16-24 year olds), while 29% are part of our ‘Golden Youth’ ( 24-35 year olds) – a group already identified as heavy and engaged users of the internet.

In comparison, only 13% of media multi-taskers are aged between 45 and 54 years old. However, Silver Surfers (+55) are also a demographic that is increasingly meshing their media, said the EIAA, with a 75% rise in media multi-tasking since 2006.

Alison Fennah, executive director of the EIAA, said: “With a growing number of Europeans meshing their media, it is important for marketers to understand this demographic, their behaviours and how to effectively target them.”

She added: “With the proliferation of laptops and development of technologies such as smart phones and mobile devices, it has never been easier for consumers to access the internet on the move and so, mesh their media. Therefore, to keep ahead of the game brands need to better understand how media can work most effectively together and reflect this in their marketing strategies.”

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