In the past 30 days, 26% of online Americans have streamed a full-length TV show and 14% have streamed a full-length movie, according to data from Ipsos MediaCT.
Brian Pickens, senior research manager at Ipsos MediaCT, said: “The digital video revolution is no longer centred on short clips via YouTube; it is becoming an important distribution channel where any type of full-length video can be instantly accessed for immediate consumption without a fee.”
The study also found that even among digital video users, 64% would rather watch hour-long dramas and half-hour comedies live on their TV than rent or purchase them, or watch them on their PC or portable device.
Recent figures from the The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life project revealed that 62% of US adult internet users have watched online video on a video-sharing website (see Strong growth in US online video viewing).
Magna has forecast that the US market for online video will grow by 32% this year, rising from $531 million in 2008 to $699 million in 2009 (see US market for online video forecast to grow 32% this year).