American TV viewers would watch skipped ads if paid

Around half (52%) of American TV viewers would be willing to watch ads they would otherwise skip if they were paid to view them, according to new research from Synovate.
The research found that 71% of Americans think there are too many ads on TV, with 44% saying they skip ads more often than they did a year ago, by either turning down the TV, changing the channel or fast forwarding through commercials.
Only 5% of Americans say they could easily live without TV while 34% say they couldn’t live without it.
A recent report from Leichtman Research Group found that 46% of households in the United States have at least one HDTV set – around double the percentage reported two years ago.
Synovate also found that more than half (58%) of Americans say they can’t live without the internet and, while 56% of Americans say there are too many ads on the internet, 52% are open to seeing more ads online if paid to do so.
Elsewhere, just 8% of Americans say they discuss online ads with their friends more than they did a year ago, while 8% of Americans are searching more for ads online, such as on YouTube.
More than two-thirds (68%) of people globally and 63% of Americans say they have never promoted a brand on their social networking page, though 9% of Americans admit they are doing this more often compared to a year ago.