
ABC Confirms London Freesheet Dumping

ABC Confirms London Freesheet Dumping

ABC Logo Following reports of alleged dumping of London freesheets, ABC has carried out an urgent review and confirmed that this has been occurring. However ABC is satisfied that the reported figures for April are materially compliant.

Both Associated Newspapers and News International made any video and photographic evidence available to ABC as soon as the review was launched. The audit company also conducted groundwork surveillance of the hand distribution operations for thelondonpaper and London Lite and reviewed the publishers distribution processes and controls for hand distribution.

The review identified that copies of newspapers are being dumped which is clearly not compliant with the ABC rules. Although ABC points out that this has always been a potential risk with this form of distribution, publisher control and management of a third party workforce is key to ensuring that instances of non-compliance are minimised.

Following this review, ABC are going to increase regular spot checks within the distribution areas to monitor the effectiveness of publishers’ compliance procedures.

In addition, ABC are considering launching a complaints line so that members of the public can report any alleged dumping or distribution infringements.

Finally, ABC are going to increase internal publisher controls, compliance checking and complaints handling while maintaining an ongoing review of hand distribution and ABC certification by industry representatives.

The battle between the two London freesheets had escalated after both News International and Associated Newspapers claimed to have caught their rivals on camera dumping free papers, with thelondonpaper going as far as taking out full page adverts accusing the Evening Standard of “crude propaganda” (see thelondonpaper Hits Back With Press Ad).

ABC figures for April show thelondonpaper was again ahead of the London Lite, although it recorded a period on period decline of more than 10,700.

The London Lite saw a small increase in circulation, of around 400 copies period on period, although its total circulation figure of just over 400,600 was around 90,000 copies less than thelondonpaper‘s circulation (see thelondonpaper Still On Top In The Capital).

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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