
ABC Introduces Dumping Hotline

ABC Introduces Dumping Hotline

ABC Logo The Audit Bureau of Circulations is introducing a “dumping hotline” following its investigation into the dumping of freesheets in London.

The London Lite and thelondonpaper are both taking part in the ABC scheme which sees them carrying a phone number and email address advertising an ABC distribution helpline.

The move comes after both titles were accused of dumping unread copies. When ABC carried out a review, it found evidence that distributors had been getting rid of bulk copies of the titles (see ABC Confirms London Freesheet Dumping).

Martin Gates, the director of newspapers and consumer magazines at the ABC, was quoted by the Guardian as saying: “We’ll monitor these for a while and talk to publishers about the figures, but as with any audit we won’t talk about how we got to the final figure.

“Publishers also have their own formal complaints procedures, of course.”

The review into dumping has also seen ABC increase regular spot checks within the distribution areas and increase internal publisher controls, compliance checking and complaints handling.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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