
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: June 2009

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: June 2009

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The daily newspaper market was up by almost 1% period on period in June, although it was down by 2.5% on June 2008, according to the latest ABCs.

The Daily Star managed to record the strongest year on year circulation increase in June and was also up period on period.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – June 2009
Daily Titles Jun-08 May-09 Jun-09 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Daily Telegraph 865,400 836,410 835,419 -29,981 -3.5 -991 -0.1
Financial Times 445,756 410,928 411,988 -33,768 -7.6 1,060 0.3
Guardian 347,183 335,615 336,034 -11,149 -3.2 419 0.1
Independent 233,973 204,413 200,399 -33,574 -14.3 -4,014 -2.0
Times 611,384 591,137 590,900 -20,484 -3.4 -237 -0.0
Mid Market              
Daily Express 742,324 719,703 729,507 -12,817 -1.7 9,804 1.4
Daily Mail 2,231,120 2,196,483 2,201,088 -30,032 -1.3 4,605 0.2
Daily Mirror 1,472,286 1,325,237 1,330,301 -141,985 -9.6 5,064 0.4
Daily Record 390,130 350,574 347,195 -42,935 -11.0 -3,379 -1.0
Daily Star 733,244 840,701 870,457 137,213 18.7 29,756 3.5
Sun 3,089,321 2,984,103 3,028,302 -61,019 -2.0 44,199 1.5
Total Daily 11,162,121 10,795,304 10,881,590 -280,531 -2.5 86,286 0.8

Quality Daily Titles

The Financial Times and Guardian remained relatively static period on period, at around 412,000 and 336,000 respectively, although both were down year on year.

The Times was also static period on period, although it was down 3.4% year on year to 590,900 copies.

It was a similar story with the Daily Telegraph, which was largely static month on month but shed 3.5% of its circulation year on year, to leave its total at around 835,000.

The Independent was down 2% period on period and suffered a large year on year decline of around 14%, leaving its total circulation at around 200,000 copies.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

In the Mid-Market, the Daily Mail‘s circulation continues to rest at around 2.2 million after adding around 4,500 copies period on period.

Following a rise of around 1.5% period on period, the Daily Express now has a total circulation of just under 730,000.

Popular Daily Titles

Perhaps the most impressive performer in the daily newspaper market in June was the Daily Star, up a massive 18.7% year on year and 3.5% month on month, taking its circulation to more than 870,000 copies, its highest level since August 2005.

Following a slight month on month increase of 0.4%, the Daily Mirror now has a circulation of 1.3 million, although this is a 9.6% drop from June 2008.

A month on month rise of 1.5% by the Sun, takes its total back over the three million mark, around 61,000 below its circulation a year ago.

The Daily Record, meanwhile, fell 1% period on period, to around 347,000 copies – 11% down on its June 2008 circulation.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday newspaper market picked up this month with period on period increases for most titles with the exception of just three – the Independent on Sunday, Sunday Telegraph and Mail on Sunday.

The overall Sunday market increased by 1.5% period on period, with some Popular titles recording significant rises.

However, the longer-term downward trend continues with the overall Sunday market down 4.6% year on year.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – June 2009
Sunday Titles Jun-08 May-09 Jun-09 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Independent On Sunday. 209,561 167,456 162,474 -47,087 -22.5 -4,982 -3.0
Observer 437,798 405,516 409,970 -27,828 -6.4 4,454 1.1
Sunday Times 1,148,287 1,194,485 1,210,352 62,065 5.4 15,867 1.3
Sunday Telegraph 632,244 619,182 615,935 -16,309 -2.6 -3,247 -0.5
Mid Market              
Mail On Sunday. 2,204,058 2,065,415 2,059,117 -144,941 -6.6 -6,298 -0.3
Sunday Express 677,053 636,080 639,527 -37,526 -5.5 3,447 0.5
Daily Star Sunday. 378,954 359,723 386,069 7,115 1.9 26,346 7.3
News Of The World 3,170,181 2,924,137 3,018,187 -151,994 -4.8 94,050 3.2
People 639,771 583,258 586,499 -53,272 -8.3 3,241 0.6
Sunday Mirror 1,336,918 1,220,410 1,243,402 -93,516 -7.0 22,992 1.9
Total Sunday 10,834,825 10,175,662 10,331,532 -503,293 -4.6 155,870 1.5

Quality Sunday Titles

The Quality sector had a mixed period, with two titles reporting circulation increases and two reporting losses period on period.

The Independent on Sunday continued to struggle and suffered the highest percentage decline in the overall Sunday market, after losing almost 5,000 copies, a 3% period on period downturn, to 162,000 copies in total.

The Irish-based newspaper, which is rumoured to be up for sale along with its daily sister title The Independent (see INM reports €161.4m loss), also witnessed a significant year on year drop of 22.5%, a real term loss of more than 47,000 copies.

The Sunday Telegraph also dipped this period, down by 0.5% to just under 616,000 copies in total.

However, the Observer and the Sunday Times followed the overall upward trend in June and reported period on period increases.

The Observer increased its circulation by around 4,400 copies, up 1.1% period on period, taking its total to almost 410,000.

The Sunday Times, meanwhile, enjoyed a 1.3% period on period rise, gaining a significant 15,800 copies, which takes its total to above 1.2 million.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

The Mid-Market sector also had a mixed period. The Mail on Sunday dipped by 0.3% period on period but still maintains a circulation of more than two million copies.

Meanwhile, the Sunday Express‘ circulation rose 0.5% period on period, taking it up to nearly 640,000 copies in total.

Popular Sunday Titles

The Popular titles all enjoyed period on period rises, with the News of the World gaining an impressive 94,000 copies in June, a 3.2% period on period increase.

The red-top’s boost takes it back to over three million copies, the highest circulation figure in the overall Sunday sector.

Meanwhile, the Daily Star Sunday witnessed the largest percentage rise in June, up 7.3% period on period to more than 386,000 copies.

The Daily Star Sunday is also one of only two titles in the overall market to report a year on year circulation increase in this month’s ABC release.

The People and the Sunday Mirror were also up in June, by 0.6% and 1.9% respectively, which takes the People‘s total to 586,000 copies, while the Sunday Mirror maintains a respectable 1.2 million.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jan 2009 – Jun 2009
Daily Titles Jan 08 – Jun 08 Dec 08 – May 09 Jan 09 – Jun 09 Actual Change % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Daily Telegraph 871,094 827,376 829,538 -41,556 -4.8 2,162 0.3
Financial Times 449,260 425,903 421,429 -27,831 -6.2 -4,474 -1.1
Guardian 356,350 343,065 341,686 -14,664 -4.1 -1,379 -0.4
Independent 244,120 205,488 205,482 -38,638 -15.8 -6 -0.0
Times 620,059 600,993 599,009 -21,050 -3.4 -1,984 -0.3
Mid Market              
Daily Express 737,922 725,085 725,364 -12,558 -1.7 279 0.0
Daily Mail 2,291,722 2,187,428 2,198,983 -92,739 -4.0 11,555 0.5
Daily Mirror 1,487,034 1,337,344 1,334,197 -152,837 -10.3 -3,147 -0.2
Daily Record 394,139 353,031 352,578 -41,561 -10.5 -453 -0.1
Daily Star 726,706 793,494 820,859 94,153 13.0 27,365 3.4
Sun 3,120,512 2,997,953 3,022,058 -98,454 -3.2 24,105 0.8
Total Daily 11,298,918 10,797,160 10,851,183 -447,735 -3.96 54,023 0.5
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jan 2009 – Jun 2009
Sunday Titles Jan 08 – Jun 08 Dec 08 – May 09 Jan 09 – Jun 09 Actual Change % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Independent On Sunday. 219,226 170,099 169,603 -49,623 -22.6 -496 -0.3
Observer 452,078 422,962 420,695 -31,383 -6.9 -2,267 -0.5
Sunday Times 1,193,450 1,205,263 1,214,603 21,153 1.8 9,340 0.8
Sunday Telegraph 632,803 603,376 606,900 -25,903 -4.1 3,524 0.6
Mid Market              
Mail On Sunday. 2,241,637 2,101,948 2,099,896 -141,741 -6.3 -2,052 -0.1
Sunday Express 679,004 638,416 638,602 -40,402 -6.0 186 0.0
Daily Star Sunday. 369,420 356,309 365,487 -3,933 -1.1 9,178 2.6
News Of The World 3,207,103 2,987,418 2,993,776 -213,327 -6.7 6,358 0.2
People 653,308 585,880 584,975 -68,333 -10.5 -905 -0.2
Sunday Mirror 1,344,770 1,221,571 1,230,430 -114,340 -8.5 8,859 0.7
Total Sunday 10,992,799 10,293,242 10,324,967 -667,832 -6.1 31,725 0.3

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