
Ad-Air Plans Flight Path Ad Network

Ad-Air Plans Flight Path Ad Network

Adair Start-up media company Ad-Air is planning to create a network of huge advertisements which will be placed alongside airport flight paths.

It plans to create ads of up to five acres or 20,000 sq metres in size. Ad-Air’s network includes 30 airports including London Heathrow, Paris Charles De Gaulle, Los Angeles International.

The first site to have the new flight path ads installed will be Dubai Airport this October.

Ad-Air’s plans mark the first time a company has tried to create a global network on this scale.

According to Haakon Dewing, Ad-Air operations director, the sites will reach 96% of business travellers and 81% of leisure travellers at Heathrow belonging to the ABC1 demographic.

Dewing said: “The majority of people we have surveyed over the last few years have stated that they look out of the window if seated in a window seat – it’s human nature.

“We believe this offering gives brand advertisers the next level of quality and exposure in the advertising market – not only is it on an unprecedented scale but it is presented in a clutter-free environment.”

Ad-Air: www.ad-air.com

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