
Ad Networks Need To Make It Easier For Agencies To Spend Money

Ad Networks Need To Make It Easier For Agencies To Spend Money

Man Online Speaking at yesterday’s AOP forum on ‘Maximising Your Relationship With Ad Networks’, Martin Shaw, head of digital at OMD, made an appeal for networks to make it easier for agencies to spend money.

He said that last year he had worked with 350 sales points and found this “horribly inefficient”, although he added that he did not want to lose the ability to use niche sites.

Shaw added that networks should become part of the planning process and have to understand how they fit within the buyers range of options.

Rupert Staines, vice president of Adviva Europe, was also speaking at the event, representing IASH (Internet Advertising Sales House).

IASH – which works to ensure that display ads placed via its networks do not appear on websites which could jeopardize advertisers’ brands – has done a lot since its inception in 2005, said Staines, making the environment less like the “wild west”, but still needs to do more events to spread the word further.

According to Staines, the “hot issues” that need to be addressed by ad networks are accountability and transparency. He finished by saying that, in his opinion, the trend for ad networks to increase their share of spending will continue, adding that he knows of no advertisers who are cutting spend.

AOP: www.ukaop.org.uk

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