
Ad Recognition Not Affected By PVRs

Ad Recognition Not Affected By PVRs

A new study from the US claims TV viewers using PVRs do not display any significant difference in ad recall or ad recognition when compared with viewers not using the technology.

The research, conducted by Millward Brown, represents good news for the advertising and marketing industries, with Michelle de Montigny, senior vice president at the company stating: “Counter to recent industry concerns, TV advertising is not dead, and DVR owners are not less engaged with TV ad viewing.

“Consumers who own PVRs are more likely to pay attention to television during commercial breaks when viewing live and are less likely to be distracted by other activities that non-PVR owners get involved with.”

The new findings show PVR users viewing 61% of prime-time programmes live, while 39% of viewing was comprised of pre-recorded programmes.

Elsewhere, ad recall and recognition was shown to be uniform across viewers of car, mobile phones, fast food restaurant and movie commercials, with no decrease in any of the four segments. However, in the movie category, Millward Brown reports slightly greater ad recall and ad recognition among PVR owners than was reported by non-owners.

PVR subscribers are forecast to reach 34 million by 2010, up from an estimated 11.4 million at the end of 2005 (see PVR Subscribers To Reach 34 Million By 2010).

According Magna Global, PVR subscriptions will reach 17.4 million at the end of 2006, with the interpublic group claiming that currently, PVRs are present in 11.7% of TV households in the US.

PVR penetration in the UK is forecast to reach five million in the next four years, with penetration set to reach 21% of the population by 2008, increasing to 34% by 2012, according to research from Starcom (see PVRs Causing Increasing Threat To Advertisers).

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