
Advertising Demand Picks Up Stateside

Advertising Demand Picks Up Stateside

Demand for ad media has increased across the board this year, according to a survey of US planners and buyers conducted by InsightExpress and MediaPost.

In the online poll, carried out in late-August, 39% of respondents said their demand for ad inventory had increased since the same point last year. A further 43% said it was unchanged and just 18% reported a fall in demand.

It is apparent that some media are more in vogue than others. Over 50% of those executives surveyed by InsightExpress said that demand for cable television and the internet had grown. This is borne out by TNS/CMR figures which show that spending in these areas was up by around a sixth in the first half of 2003 (see US Advertising Spend Rises 6.8% In First Half).

Radio and outdoor are also performing admirably and demand is expected to remain solid in the rest of 2003. However, print media is yet to benefit from the changing advertising climate. Less than a third of media planners and buyers said they had seen a rise in demand for magazine ad space. Only 27% said that demand for newspaper advertising had increased, the same number who acknowledged a decline.

How US Ad Demand Has Changed Relative To Last Year, By Media 
   Increased  Same  Decreased  Net +/- 
Online 56% 33% 11% 45
Cable TV 53% 35% 13% 40
Radio 41% 45% 15% 26
Outdoor 35% 45% 19% 16
Magazines 31% 47% 20% 11
Network TV 31% 47% 22% 9
Newspapers 27% 45% 27% 0
All Media  39%  43%  18%  21 
Source: MediaPost/InsightExpress, August 2003 

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