
Advertising Remains Volatile At Trinity Mirror

Advertising Remains Volatile At Trinity Mirror

Trinity Mirror, the UK’s largest newspaper group, today said that advertising conditions have remained volatile during the last six months, with a 0.6% increase in Q1 being offset by a 0.4% decline in Q2. Overall, the period will show flat year on year growth for the group.

Trinity says that the weaker performance in Q2 reflects the impact of the war in Iraq and the comparison with World Cup revenues in June 2002.

The regional newspaper division is expected to achieve advertising revenue growth of 0.6% in the half. However, discounting the Digital Media and Metro newspaper divisions from the figures, the regional papers will show a decline of 0.3%; down 0.8% in Q1 and up 0.3% in Q2.

Trading at the regionals remains weakest in London and the south-east. Excluding these regions and the Metro titles, the regional division should see ad growth of 1.2% year on year; London and the south-east will retract by 4.4%.

At the national papers, ad revenues are expected to fall by 0.8%, with a 0.1% increase in the UK nationals to be offset by a 3.4% decline in the Scottish national papers. A strong first quarter saw advertising revenue grow by 1.4%, but Q2 was weaker with revenue expected to fall by 3.1%.

Group circulation revenues are expected to fall by 2.8% in H1. The regionals will be down by 1.0%, whilst the nationals drop 4.4%. The company says that restoring the normal cover price of the Daily Mirror has impacted on circulation, which fell year on year by 5.2% for the first five months.

Last year Trinity Mirror spent £21.8 million on a cover price battle between the Daily Mirror and the Sun. This pushed circulation revenues down by 7.6% (see Bailey Moves To Stop Mirror-Sun Price War As Costs Hit ).

Shares in Trinity Mirror were down by 1.4% at 430.5p following the release of this morning’s trading statement.

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