
Agencies Will Benefit From Easier H2 Comparisons, Says Merrill

Agencies Will Benefit From Easier H2 Comparisons, Says Merrill

Despite whispers of a return to growth, Merrill Lynch warns that revenue growth in the US as “merely crawling out of a hole rather than true incremental spending” and maintains its forecast of -1.5% growth for the US in 2002.

Advertising Forecasts From Merrill Lynch 
  2002 2003
Global -2.1% 3.9%
US -1.5% 4.0%
Europe -1.5% 4.7%
Asia-Pacific -4.0% 1.7%
Latin America -2.0% 8.0%
Source: Merrill Lynch, April 2002
Advertising agencies in the US have not seen a rise in spending yet, says Merrill, and many advertisers are unwilling to commit to spending very far ahead of time. Merrill Lynch points out that media companies will mostly enjoy easier comparables during 2002 as advertising hit its severe downturn in early 2001.

Agencies – which benefitted during the first half of 2001 from market share gains, gains in marketing services and ad campaign spending – must wait until the second half of this year before they benefit from easier comparables.

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