
Another Record Quarter For JCDecaux As Revenues Climb By 8%

Another Record Quarter For JCDecaux As Revenues Climb By 8%

Outdoor advertising group, JCDecaux, has added to the record-breaking results it achieved in the first half of this year, as third-quarter revenues topped expectations, climbing by 7.9% to â‚Ź375.3 million.

Over the nine month period from January to September, revenues climbed by 5.6% to â‚Ź1,167.6 million, spurred by a strong performance across all of the group’s divisions, particularly street furniture and transport advertising, which climbed 6.7% and 14.4% respectively from July to September 2004.

The growth in street furniture advertising took revenues in this division to â‚Ź194.7 million, spurred by double-digit revenue increases in the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Scandinavia and Central Europe. However, not all European countries experienced such improvements, with France remaining flat and business in Germany falling year-on-year.

Transport revenues saw the greatest improvement across all of the group’s sectors, growing by 14.4% to â‚Ź77.7 million, driven by the continued advertising recovery in Hong Kong and a marked improvement in the US airport business, as well as strong double-digit growth in Spain and Portugal.

Billboard revenues grew by 5.7% to â‚Ź102.9 million, again, the vast growth was a result of a strong performance in Spain and Portugal, with significant increases also coming from the two largest countries for this division, France and the UK.

Chairman, Jean-Charles Decaux said: “Revenue growth in the third quarter of 2004 was at the top end of our expectations, with all three of our divisions contributing strongly to this performance. Based on these results we now expect that the company will show organic revenue growth or around 5% in 2004, leading to further improvement in profitability.”

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