
At-Work Surfers ‘Not A Problem For Bosses’ Says Nielsen//NetRatings

At-Work Surfers ‘Not A Problem For Bosses’ Says Nielsen//NetRatings

Surfers who use the internet at work are looking primarily for information not entertainment, according to a new report from Nielsen//NetRatings. A comparison of audience shares including at-work surfers and leaving them out shows that the sites that benefit most from working internet users are portals, map services and the soon-to-be-rebranded-again postal service Consignia.

Top 10 Domains To Gain From At-Work Surfing – April 2002 
Rank Domain Gain in Audience Reach From At-Work Net Users
1 microsoft.com 5.9
2 bbc.co.uk 4.5
3 msn.com 3.7
4 yahoo.co.uk 3.2
5 demon.co.uk 3.1
6 streetmap.co.uk 2.8
7 amazon.com 2.5
8 consignia-online.com 2.3
9 multimap.com 2.3
10 sky.com 2.1
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, May 2002

“Working surfers need software patches and upgrades,” commented internet analyst Tom Ewing, “But they also use the internet to catch up on news and look things up. Of course itÂ’s impossible to say how much of this information-seeking is related to their jobs, but these figures send a signal that irresponsible internet use may not be as big a problem as some bosses think.”

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