
BARB and IPA TouchPoints announce new integration

BARB and IPA TouchPoints announce new integration

BARB, the TV audience measurement currency, has announced a ‘deeper’ integration with IPA TouchPoints. The move means that all of BARB’s daily audience data can now be analysed by TouchPoints classifications, helping media agencies, advertisers and broadcasters to understand more about viewer behaviours.

TouchPoints delivers a “360-degree view” of how different media fit into people’s daily lives, and for many years its ‘Channel Planner’ has integrated the industry media currencies, including BARB, into an analytics tool that supports cross-media planning and buying.

However, Belinda Beeftink, research director at the IPA, said the links between TouchPoints and BARB have been deepened by integrating TouchPoints audience classifications into BARB’s daily reporting of television audiences.

“This means agency planners can build even better TV plans based on TouchPoints’ wide range of classifications,” Beeftink said.

BARB said the data integration has three major benefits: enabling media agencies to use the rich IPA TouchPoints audiences in order to build their TV plans; allowing broadcasters’ sales teams to build better solutions based on IPA TouchPoints data, including other media usage; and helping broadcasters with their scheduling and promotions planning.

“We continue to find new ways to add value to our audience reporting services,” said Justin Sampson, BARB’s CEO.

“This new initiative creates an extensive range of target audiences that IPA TouchPoints subscribers can use to plan and account for their investment in television commercials and programmes.”

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