
BBC News Clips For Stateside Yahoo! Web Users

BBC News Clips For Stateside Yahoo! Web Users

BBC Logo Online giant Yahoo! will begin to offer clips of BBC News video to US web users, after the two companies struck a deal.

The BBC will offer around 30 video clips of its news output each day via a deal Yahoo! has struck with ABC News, which has exclusive representation for the distribution of BBC News via on-demand broadband and wireless content in North America.

“The demand for BBC content in the US is growing all the time and we believe our expansion on new digital platforms is critically important to helping us meet that demand,” said the director of the BBC’s global news division, Richard Sambrook.

ABC News struck the distribution agreement with the BBC in January.

BBC: 020 8743 8000 www.bbc.co.uk Yahoo!: 020 7808 4200 www.yahoo.co.uk

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