
Broadband MSOs Must Face Security Concerns, Says Yankee Group

Broadband MSOs Must Face Security Concerns, Says Yankee Group

Despite the popularity of broadband cable internet access, cable multiple system operators (MSOs) must overcome the ‘stigma’ of being insecure and unreliable, says the Yankee Group.

According to Lindsay Schroth of the Yankee Group: “The problem for the MSO is that they have no control over what is installed, and this becomes a troubleshooting nightmare, as they are the ones that are called upon to respond to issues stemming from these stand-alone solutions. MSOs can generate revenues from security with solutions that allow them to both deliver security services as well as manage the infrastructure effectively.”

The Yankee Group suggests that MSOs recognise the following suggestions:

  • There are many subscribers that will continue to install their own desktop-based security software. When these subscribers call the MSOs support department for help with these products, the MSOs should use this as an opportunity to up-sell their own managed security services.
  • The MSOs should look to move as much of the security functionality as they can to the customer premises–based products both for businesses and consumers. There is a wide range of products today, and the MSOs must understand what products fit into which type of subscriber to serve all markets successfully.
  • MSOs should look at the demographics of their subscribers and what kinds of services their customers are demanding. In certain regions, a network-based security solution would provide the MSO with strong revenue opportunities, while lowering operational expenses.

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