
Broadband Stimulates UK Internet Market

Broadband Stimulates UK Internet Market

There was a 9% rise in the number of internet subscriptions in the UK between November 2001 and November 2002, according to the Office of National Statistics.

The latest monthly update to the survey of ISPs revealed that total subscriptions increased by 0.4% in the space of a month and the index of internet connectivity was up to 120.6. This was put down to a fall in the price of broadband technology which has led to a surge in the number of high-speed internet subscribers.

Dial-up connections increased by just 1.6% year on year, with a decrease of 0.4% from October to November. Permanent connections still account for less than one in ten of all subscriptions but they increased by 9.7% during the month and by a startling 272% over the year. According to Oftel, the UK broadband market is growing at a faster rate than those in the US, France and Germany (see UK Gaining Ground In Broadband Arena).

Access Plans The percentage of subscriptions using free access remained steady at 26% in November while those paying a fixed rate for unmetered access fell by one percentage point to 37%. Some 18% of subscribers rely on billed access while mixed plan, ‘always on’ subscriptions and other schemes make up the remaining 19%.

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