
Cable Modem Growth Continues In US

Cable Modem Growth Continues In US

According to the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA), more than 875,000 new customers in the US signed up for cable modem services during Q4 2001, up from 750,000 reported during Q3.

“Deployment of, and demand for, advanced broadband services continued to experience strong growth during the fourth quarter of 2001, despite general economic uncertainties, the bankruptcy of Excite@Home and the related conversion of its customers to cable-provisioned networks,” said Robert Sachs, NCTA president and CEO.

Internet connection via cable modem is now available to more than 70 million US households, more than 7.2 million customers – 17% of homes with PCs passed by cable systems – now subscribe to such services. According to the NCTA survey, 1.5 million new customers subscribed to digital video service in the last quarter, bringing the total number to 15.2 million. Nearly 21% of US cable customers now subscribe to digital video services.

“The steady increase in digital broadband customers demonstrates the consumer value of cableÂ’s advanced services,” Sachs said.

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