Daily Newspaper MarketThe national daily newspaper market was down 5.3% overall in September, with all titles in our analysis showing circulation declines.The Independent, Daily Express, Daily Mirror and Daily Star all suffered relatively large declines.The Sun remains the daily title with the highest circulation, at almost 3.2 million copies. National Newspaper ABC Figures – September… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: September 2008
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In the midst of the continuing financial crisis, morning business freesheet City AM saw its total distribution figure rise by 20.6% month on month in September, giving it a total figure of just under 101,000 copies.The Evening Standard enjoyed a circulation increase last month as well, up almost 7% month on month, to almost 298,000.Morning… Continue reading City AM Sees Distribution Figure Rise
BBC One was the only one of the main terrestrial channels to record a year on year rise in viewing share, of 3.9 percentage points, according to the latest figures for August 2008.There was a relatively large decline for ITV1, of 2.2 percentage points year on year.All ViewingBBC One enjoyed a viewing share increase of… Continue reading Television Viewing Round-Up – August 2008
August was a similar month to July in the TV market, however, GMTV managed to improve its year on year revenue total among terrestrial channels. The ITV1 breakfast station posted a revenue increase of 4.3% compared to August 2007.The biggest year on year decline came from ITV1 network, with revenues dipping by 6.8% to stand… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – August 2008
Three major national newspaper websites saw a huge increase in traffic over the month of August. According to figures released by ABCe, millions of new users were reported to be logging on to the top three sites over this typically quiet period. It seems that Team GB’s efforts in Beijing are responsible for generating this… Continue reading Olympic Fever Sees Online National Newspapers Figures Soar
Daily Newspaper MarketThe daily national newspaper market showed a year on year dip in circulation of 4.2% overall in August, with the circulation figures for the titles in our analysis down across the board.There were relatively large percentage falls for the Daily Express, Daily Mirror and Daily Star.The Sun performed relatively well, with its circulation… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: August 2008
The latest circulation figures show that the Evening Standard was down 4.6% month on month in August, leaving its total at around 279,000 copies.Afternoon freesheets thelondonpaper and the London Lite remained relatively static month on month. They now have totals of around 401,000 and 500,000 copies respectively.Morning business freesheet City AM now has a total… Continue reading August Sees Circulation Dip For Evening Standard
July was another tough month revenue wise for the terrestrial stations, with only GMTV bucking the downward trend year on year. The ITV1 breakfast station managed to achieve a 14.6% increase of revenue, compared to July 2007.The biggest year on year fall came from ITV1 network, with revenues dipping by 6.2% to stand at £88.18… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – July 2008
The latest regional ABC figures, for January to June 2008, show that the Manchester Evening News is Britain’s top paid for regional title following the decision by ABC to combine paid-for and free distribution for the first time.In the top ten paid regional newspaper groups, Archant London Group was up by a massive 326.1% year… Continue reading ABC Regional Newspapers: January-June 2008
Daily Newspaper MarketThe latest six monthly NRS figures, for January to June 2008, show that overall, Britain’s national daily newspaper market was static year on year in June.In the daily Quality sector, the Guardian and Times were both up by almost 8% year on year, with the Daily Mail in the Mid-Market and the Sun… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: January – June 2008