The latest ABC figures show that the London Evening Standard‘s circulation was up by around 12% month on month in June, taking its total to an impressive 236,075 copies.Looking at the afternoon freesheets, the London Lite saw its distribution remain static period on period at just under 401,000 copies, while thelondonpaper was down by around… Continue reading Evening Standard’s circulation up 12% month on month
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The Susan Boyle inspired ratings success of Britain’s Got Talent (see 18.5m watch Britain’s Got Talent results show), wasn’t enough to arrest ITV’s continued downturn in revenue. Despite the programme attaining ratings of over 11 million viewers from the initial audition stage, the commercial network broadcaster recorded a 16.7% year on year fall in revenue… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – May 2009 was the most popular website of the audited national daily newspapers in May 2009, with enjoying a boost in unique users, according to the latest ABCe data.The Guardian saw its unique user figure fall slightly month on month although it was up by around 9 million year on year, to 27.2 million. In… Continue reading ABCe May 2009: Guardian stays on top
Internet users have grown by over 2.6 million people in the past year, according to data released by research company BMRB.Figures for the first quarter of 2009 show YOY usage up by 8.3%. Although the number of people going online is continuing to grow, now standing at 34.2 million, there seems to be something of… Continue reading BMRB Q1 2009: Online Usage
May TV viewing data shows that ITV1’s share suffered a slight year on year dip, despite the success of shows such as Britain’s Got Talent.All ViewingITV1’s viewing share fell 0.4 percentage points year on year, to leave it at 19.3% in May 2009.The channel had some big hits in May, however, with the final of… Continue reading Television Viewing Round-Up – May 2009
Daily Newspaper MarketOverall, the daily newspaper market had a bleak month in May, falling by 4.7% year on year, with only one title bucking the downward trend.The Daily Star reported impressive year on year growth despite several other daily titles recording significant falls. National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2009 Daily Titles May-08 May-09 Actual… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: May 2009
The Evening Standard‘s circulation was down by almost 30% year on year in May following its relaunch at the start of the month (see Evening Standard relaunches today with promises of better behaviour) which saw the title adopt a new distribution strategy.There have already been reports that executives at the paper believe the figures –… Continue reading Evening Standard’s circulation down almost 30% YoY
Daily Newspaper MarketThe latest NRS figures, for April 2008 To March 2009, show impressive readership increases for three of the Quality daily titles.The Financial Times, Guardian and Times all increased their readership totals year on year.Quality Daily TitlesThe Financial Times enjoyed a very healthy rise of around 15% year on year, taking its total to… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: Apr 2008 – Mar 2009
After two months away from the top spot is once again the most popular website of the audited national newspapers.According to data released by ABCe, the Guardian site crawled its way back in April gaining 2 million unique users to reclaim its number one position. The rankings have been fairly uncharacteristic of late, with… Continue reading ABCe April 2009: Guardian crawls back to top spot
The ongoing recession is still causing problems for the television market, with all stations recording year on year falls in their revenue totals. The worst hit was Five, with revenue down by 31.5% on April 2008.Following closely behind was Channel 4, with a fall of 25.3%. The broadcaster, which is trying to secure a tie-up… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – April 2009