Daily Newspaper MarketIt was a mixed picture across the board for Britain’s national daily newspapers for the six months to April 2007, with an overall year on year readership decline for the period of 0.6%.In the Quality daily sector, the Times was the only title to record a loss, down more than 5% to leave… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: April 2007
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May revenues fell year on year for all terrestrial channels, for the fourth month in a row, with Five seeing the largest dip at 7.5%.ITV1’s revenues also dropped by over 7%, despite the channel showing both the Champions’ League Semi Final and Final during the month, both of which should have been a large draw… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – May 2007
Daily Newspaper MarketLast month brought further misery to Britain’s national daily newspapers, with the Audit Bureau of Circulations recording yet another year on year decline for the sector, of almost 4%.Losses were felt across all sectors, with the Financial Times being the only title not to experience a downturn.Meanwhile, the heftiest falls were seen in… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: May 2007
thelondonpaper remained ahead of rival freesheet London Lite in May, despite a period on period decline in distribution of a little under 5,000 copies.The Lite also shed issues in May, just 385, amidst the dumping furore, which has seen the ABC set up a hotline to report such incidents (see ABC Introduces Dumping Hotline).Meanwhile, the… Continue reading Freesheets Shed Issues As Evening Standard’s Circulation Goes Up
Daily Newspaper MarketReadership figures from the NRS for Britain’s national daily newspapers remained fairly static year on year for October 2006 to March 2007.All Quality dailies, with the exception of the Times, saw their readerships rise. The Guardian bolstered its readership by almost 100,000 to more than 1.2 million, whilst the Daily Telegraph added 75,000… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: March 2007
April saw revenues fall for all terrestrial broadcasters for the third consecutive month, with total terrestrial revenues declining by over 10%.Revenues fell sharply in April for ITV1, as the broadcaster found itself over £15 million down on the previous year’s levels.Five also felt a 10%-plus drop in revenue, as the broadcaster ended the month with… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – April 2007
April saw viewing share in all TV homes fall for terrestrial broadcasters, with Channel 4 faring worst with a drop of over one percentage point year on year.A similar pattern played out in digital homes as all terrestrial broadcasters lost share year on year.All Television HomesChannel 4 lost the largest percentage share of viewing during… Continue reading Television Viewing Round-Up – April 2007
From its humble beginnings to the immense worldwide web of today, the internet has flourished with astonishing rapidity, throwing up new developments, technologies and methods for reaching people with every year that passes. As the company turns 10, IAB chief executive, Guy Phillipson, talks to NewsLine about the medium’s continuing success in an ever-mutable media… Continue reading Online – Keeping Media Afloat
The number of internet users now stands at over 29.6 million according to figures released by BMRB, for the first quarter of 2007. This represents a 7.14% growth from the same period last year.The total number of people going online is now around five million more than it was two years ago.Usage LocationThe number of… Continue reading Online Usage Round-Up Q1 2007: Net Usage Growth Up More Than 7%
In April, thelondonpaper was again ahead of the London Lite, although it recorded a period on period decline of more than 10,700.The London Lite saw a small increase in circulation, of around 400 copies period on period, although its total circulation figure of just over 400,600 was around 90,000 copies less than thelondonpaper‘s circulation.Paid for… Continue reading thelondonpaper Still On Top In The Capital