Online newspaper websites are rapidly increasing in popularity as their print counterparts continue to suffer falling circulation figures, according to audited data from ABC and ABCe.It appears that no amount of free DVDs and wall charts can halt the declines, which has been felt across the sectors. Newspaper websites on the other hand, never seem… Continue reading Newspapers’ Print Circulations Decline As Web Traffic Blossoms
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The latest ABC figures, for July – December 2006, show that the regional press has suffered quite badly, with the majority of titles recording declining circulation figures.The West Midlands Express And Star recorded the largest circulation figure, whilst the Liverpool Echo had the second highest.Of the top ten free regional newspaper groups, only one group… Continue reading ABC Regional Newspapers: Jul-Dec 2006
Channel 4 was the only terrestrial channel to see any growth in its viewing share during January 2007 as the broadcaster capitalised on the success of Celebrity Big Brother.Meanwhile, in digital homes, both BBC One and Channel 4 saw an increase in their share over the month, while multichannel sustained a dip in viewing.All ViewingChannel… Continue reading Television Viewing Round-Up – January 2007
The number of internet users climbed to over 29 million during the fourth quarter of 2006, according to figures released by BMRB. This represents a 9.34% growth from the same period last year.The total number of people going online is now around 5.5 million more than it was two years ago.Usage LocationThe number of home… Continue reading Online Usage Round-Up: Fastest Net User Growth For 65+ Age Group
As with the rest of the magazine market, the gaming and computer sector also had a turbulent time, with many of the titles recording declines.Future Publishing’s Official Nintendo Magazine was not one of them though, as it recorded an increase of over 14% year on year and almost 21% period on period, no doubt due… Continue reading ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Turbulent Second Half For PC & Gaming Magazine Sector
Emap Performance’s Q magazine has proved to be the top of its sector once again, despite a considerable year on year and period on period decline in circulation, according to yesterday’s July to December 2006 ABC data.Q recorded a loss of almost 17% year on year (11.4% period on period) equating to an actual fall… Continue reading ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Q Mag Remains King Of Music Sector Despite Circulation Decline
The latest ABC results show that some of the biggest hitters in the Men’s Magazine market suffered declines in the six months to December 2006.Market leader FHM was hit hardest in actual terms, dropping more than 129,000 copies from its circulation year on year, leaving it with a total figure of around 371,000 copies.Earlier this… Continue reading ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Large Declines For Men’s Mags
The latest ABC figures, for July-December 2006, show thatTake A Break remained the top title in the Women’s Weekly sector, with a circulation of more than 1 million copies.However, the H Bauer publication was down over 11% year on year, a drop in real terms of almost 129,000 copies. It was also down period on… Continue reading ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Take A Break Leads Women’s Weekly Market
Homebase Ideas, the quarterly title which is sold in-store and mailed to customers, was the undisputed king of the Home Interest sector in the ABCs for July to December.The title recorded a circulation of almost 423,000 copies, having enjoyed a year on year increase of almost 6%, which equates to around 22,900 in real terms.IPC… Continue reading ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Highs And Lows In The Home Interest Sector
IPC Media’s What’s On TV magazine retained the top spot in its sector, despite a 4.3% year on year drop in circulation.According to today’s ABC concurrent release for July to December 2006, the TV listings title now holds a figure of more than 1.4 million issues, down 65,327 year on year and almost 5% period… Continue reading ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Soap Mags Boost Circulation Whilst What’s On TV Retains Top TV Spot