February saw all terrestrial broadcasters suffer a fall in revenue year on year, with ITV1 faring worst, facing its second consecutive month of substantial decreases. The broadcaster saw its revenue fall by 11.4% year on year, down £15 million on the previous year.Channel 4 and Five both saw their revenue fall, with Channel 4 losing… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – February 2006
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February saw a similar pattern played out in both digital homes and all TV homes, with BBC One, ITV1 and Five all losing viewing share year on year.Conversely, BBC Two and Channel 4 both saw slight increases, whilst satellite viewing continued to grow.All ViewingITV1’s concerns continued in February as viewing share fell by 2.1% points… Continue reading Television Viewing Round-Up – February 2006
Daily Newspaper MarketThe daily newspaper market continued to see readership decline in the last month of 2005, with a total downturn of 1.7% year on year indicating continued difficulty for the sector.There were some success stories amongst the depression, however, with the Independent adding a staggering 29.8% to its total year on year, proving the… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2005
Daily Newspaper MarketReadership decline continued to blight the national daily newspaper market in January, with the sector as a whole suffering a 2.5% downturn year on year.The decline affects every sector, and is in evidence across the board in the mid market, where both the Daily Express and Daily Mail have seen readers move elsewhere.There… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up: January 2006
Daily Newspaper MarketThe daily newspaper market in the UK saw a decline in sales overall during February, with a dip of 2.98% year on year indicating a continued slump in the sector’s fortunes.Worst hit was the popular sector, which saw a downturn in sales across the board. The Daily Star bore the brunt of the… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: February 2006
Today sees the Audit Bureau of Circulations release data for the nation’s regional newspapers covering the period from July to December 2005.The new figures reveal mixed results for the UK’s regional press, with the majority of paid for newspaper groups seeing a decline overall, with only one of the top ten exhibiting any growth in… Continue reading ABC Regional Newspapers: Jul-Dec 2005
ITV1 had a very bad start to the year, with revenues for January falling by 10.1%, down to £116.6 million, according to estimates collated from media agencies. Reports in the national press anticipate that, across the first quarter, ITV will be facing its worst financial results for 10 years, with revenue forecast to suffer a… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – January 2006
The total number of internet users accelerated at a higher rate throughout the last quarter of 2005, compared to the same period in 2004 according to figures released by BMRB, with the internet’s growth showing no signs of slowing.The total number of people using the internet is now estimated to be 26.6 million, a 12.8%… Continue reading Online Usage Round-Up: 2005 Sees Internet Users Multiplying
All terrestrial broadcasters, other than Channel 4, lost viewing share during January 2006, with ITV1 faring worst, whilst multichannel viewing increased year on year.In digital homes, however, Channel 4 grew its audience by 1.2% points, whilst ITV fell slightly on January 2005.All ViewingITV1 had a bad start to the year, as it saw its viewing… Continue reading Television Viewing Round-Up – January 2006
The latest ABC results for the TV Listings magazine sector, reveal a depressed market, with just two publications managing to increase sales.IPC Media’s Whats on TV managed to retain its position as market leader, despite incurring the largest actual loss in circulation, dipping by 84,601, to 1,502,977.TV Choice from H Bauer Publishing, enjoyed the largest… Continue reading ABC Results Jul-Dec 2005:TV Listings Suffer Decline, While Soap Sees Mixed Results