The RAJAR listening figures for the third quarter of 2002 show that, period on period, there has been little movement in terms of share. All BBC saw its share of listening remain unchanged at 52.6%, whilst All Commercial radio saw a slight 0.2% points drop to 45.3%, meaning that the BBC retains is edge for… Continue reading RAJAR Results Q3 2002 – Overall Summary
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colspan=”5″>BBC Radio Stations Weekly Reach (000s) Year On Year Comparisons
RAJAR data for the third quarter of 2002 reveals a positive period for London listening with the majority of stations seeing weekly reach increase. However, notable declines were seen at the heavy-weight Capital stations.The sector’s leader in terms of reach, Capital 95.8 FM, experienced a 4.5% decline period on period, bringing its weekly reach to… Continue reading RAJAR Results Q3 2002 – London Stations
A year on year comparison of listening for national radio stations during the third quarter of 2002 reveals an impressive period for speech-based station, BBC Radio 4, which saw its weekly reach increase by 6.1% to just under 10 million listeners. The station, which is squarely aimed at older listeners, also performed well in terms… Continue reading RAJAR Results Q3 2002 – National Stations
The following tables show the best and worst performers, in terms of weekly reach and share of listening, of the local commercial stations broadcasting outside London.The following stations are reporting with new survey periods: Kix 96 and 107.4 The Quay will now report yearly; Key 103 (Manchester) and Magic 1152 (Manchester) will now report quarterly… Continue reading RAJAR Results Q3 2002 – Local Commercial Stations
The latest ABC figures for national newspaper circulation during September show that there was not a great deal of change in the overall circulation of newspapers, which increased by 0.4% month on month to just over 27 million.One of the most significant increases in percentage terms was experienced by The Sunday Times, which saw circulation… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – September 2002
NRS figures for the six months ending in August 2002 reveal a relatively positive period for national newspaper readership, which increased by 0.9% year on year to just over 66.4 million, up from 65.9 million in the same period the previous year.The most activity was seen in the broadsheet market with the Sunday Times, which… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – August 2002
Analysis of the latest TV revenue figures for August reveal an over-all year on year increase of 9.5% for the UK’s main terrestrial channels. Increases were seen across the board, with the exception of GMTV, which was seen down 12.1% year on year. Channel 5 saw biggest increase, with revenue rising by 30% year on… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – August 2002
The ITC has released its cable TV statistics for the second quarter of 2002, showing that the total number of cable TV subscriptions has fallen by 5.5% year on year to 3.44 million, down from 3.64 million in the same period the previous year.During the first quarter of 2002, 74,000 consumers cancelled subscriptions to cable… Continue reading ITC Cable Statistics Show Continued Decline
Analysis of July’s TV revenue figures for the UK’s main terrestrial channels reveal an overall decline of 3.4% year on year. All channels saw revenues fall, with the exception of Channel 5, which experienced a 13.5% increase adding weight to the argument it is to develop into a major player in the television market after… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – July 2002