Analysis of the latest TV revenues for November reveals another encouraging period for UK terrestrial TV, which experienced a 7.2% year on year increase in revenue during the month. Channel Five, which is rumoured to be considering Flextech’s Jane Lighting as a replacement for Dawn Airey (see Flextech Boss Tipped To Succeed Airey At Channel… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up November 2002
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The latest ABC figures for national newspaper circulation reveal a relatively disappointing period for the sector, which saw circulation decline by 3.8% during December.Financial titles, The Business and the Financial Times, were among only a handful of national newspapers to see circulation increase during December. The former improved by 4.1% month on month to 94,381… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up December 2002
JanuaryJanuary was a good month for AOL Time Warner, which struck what could be the biggest global cross-media marketing deal in history with the world’s largest advertiser Unilever (see AOL And Unilever Strike Global Cross-Media Deal). Meanwhile, the Interactive Advertising Bureau made a New Year’s resolution to make internet advertising more accountable. Elsewhere, Yahoo! UK… Continue reading End Of Year News Round-Up: New Media
The number of multi-channel television subscribers in the UK increased by 2.8% between Q2 and Q3 this year, with the growth largely driven by BSkyB, according to the latest statistics from the Independent Television Commission (ITC).More than 11 million households are now multi-channel, with penetration rising from 43.8% in Q2 to 45.0% in Q3. Overall… Continue reading ITC Cable Statistics Q3 2002
NRS figures for the May to October period reveal a relatively positive period for national newspaper readership, which increased by 1.2 year on year, to just above the 66.5 million mark.The most activity was seen in the broadsheet market, which appears to be flourishing despite the recent series of coverprice rises. The sector’s biggest increase… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – October 2002
The latest ABC results for national newspaper circulation reveal a relatively static period for the sector, which saw circulation slip by 0.4% month on month during November.The recently revamped Sunday Times saw the most significant upward movement in percentage terms, with circulation increasing by 3.2% month on month to 1,442,519. The Daily Mirror, which recently… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up November 2002
Analysis of the latest TV revenue figures for October reveals a positive period for total UK terrestrial TV, which experienced a 13.1% year on year increase in revenue. Gains were experienced across the board, but Channel Five saw the most significant improvement, with revenue rising by 31.8% year on year despite the recent departure of… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up October 2002
The latest ABC figures for national newspaper circulation during October reveal a rather lacklustre performance for the sector as a whole, which saw circulation decline by 1.8% month on month to just below the 27 million mark.Popular Sunday titles, Sport First and People, bore the brunt of the bad news, with the former experiencing a… Continue reading ABC National Newspaper Round-Up October 2002
NRS figures for the April to September period of 2002 reveal an overwhelmingly mixed picture of newspaper readership. The overall number of people reading newspapers is seen slightly rising, with a 0.8% growth compared to the same period last year.The broadsheet sector saw some solid performances, as huge news stories such as the anniversary of… Continue reading NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – September 2002
Analysis of the latest TV revenue figures for September reveal an over-all year on year increase of 7.3% for the UK’s main terrestrial channels. Increases were seen across the board, but the sector’s biggest riser year-on-year was Channel 5. The channel is fast emerging as a major player in the advertising arena, with the launch… Continue reading TV Market Round-Up – September 2002