
CBS Outdoor Extends Underground Digital Panels

CBS Outdoor Extends Underground Digital Panels

Crowded Tube CBS Outdoor has extended its digital escalator panel coverage to two more tube stations as part of a £72 million investment in its London Underground advertising sites.

Waterloo became the 12th station to feature DEPs this week (see New LCD Ad Screens Rolled Out On London Underground) with advertisers including BBC iPlayer, Air New Zealand, Match.com and Honda amongst the first to utilise the sites.

On Monday, DEPs will also be switched on at Liverpool Street station, in a move by CBS to reach affluent consumers in both the west and east of London.

Once the investment programme is complete, 30 tube stations will feature large format LCD screens on main exit routes and DEPs will be rolled out across 20 stations.

Investment in cross track projection (XTP) will also increase with 150 screens being installed across 24 stations. XTP is currently being trialled on southbound routes at Euston (see CBS Outdoor To Launch Full Motion Video Trial).

The new technology, which is part of CBS’s multi-million pound makeover of advertising in the Tube, allows moving messages to be digitally projected onto the wall opposite the platforms in HD.

When CBS Outdoor won an extension to the LU contract in 2006 (see Viacom Clinches Tube Contract), CBS Outdoor’s chief executive Tom Goddard announced that the deal would ignite the digital revolution in Outdoor advertising (see Viacom Tube Contract To Lead Digital Ad Revolution).

CBS Outdoor: www.cbsoutdoor.co.uk

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