
Channel 4 Drops Ads From Simulcast Service

Channel 4 Drops Ads From Simulcast Service

C4 Logo Channel 4 is dropping ads from its internet simulcast service amid fears that it could face legal action from third-party rights holders.

The move comes after the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) told the channel that it did not have clearence to run the ads online.

The IPA said that it might be possible for actors and musicians to sue agencies for rights infringement as a result of the simulcast service showing the ads online.

On Friday the broadcaster released a statement saying: “Channel 4 today confirmed that, from today, it will cease to carry advertising on its broadband simulcast service for an interim period. We hope the interim period will allow the IPA and its members to address concerns about its clearance issues on the simulcasting of TV advertising.

“Channel 4 believes simulcasting is an extension of its TV activities and strongly urges the IPA to swiftly resolve these clearance issues to enable its members and TV audiences to fully benefit from the opportunities presented by the development of new media platforms.”

Channel 4: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com

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