
Channel 4 Plans To Offend With Comedy Season

Channel 4 Plans To Offend With Comedy Season

Channel 4 Logo Channel 4 is to court controversy this August with a series of near-the-knuckle comedy programming specifically designed to cause offence.

The broadcaster’s Offensive Comedy Season will feature a range of documentaries and films examining un-PC topics, designed as a reaction to increasing social tension and social discord.

“In an era where cartoons can lead to international rioting and diplomatic breakdowns, some of the UK’s most provocative performers are questioning when subversive humour becomes inflammatory,” Channel 4 explained in a statement.

One programme included in the season, entitled Hitler: The Comedy Years, takes a look at the Nazi leader’s continuing influence on British culture, asking: “Is there still a place for goose-stepping and Kraut jokes on the comedy circuit?”

Elsewhere, the broadcaster will show Monty Python’s Life of Brian, which remains one of the most controversial movies ever produced.

The film caused global uproar amongst religious groups, which claimed it was “blasphemous”, “disgusting” and “made in hell”. The season will also include a reflection by those responsible for the film, with a question of whether the film could have been made in today’s political climate.

Other programmes included in the season are Roy Chubby Brown: Britain’s Rudest Comedian and The World’s Most Offensive Joke.

Last month saw Channel 4 announce plans to air a live hernia operation, using hypnosis as an alternative to anaesthetic in surgery. The broadcast is almost certain to court complaints from the public, but also follows Channel 4’s remit to air challenging content (see Channel 4 Surgery Show To Court Controversy).

Channel Four: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com

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