
Channel 4 Ploughs £2 Million Into Broadband Content

Channel 4 Ploughs £2 Million Into Broadband Content

Channel 4 Logo Channel 4 is to give a £2 million cash injection to its broadband operations, spawning a huge increase in online activities, and taking all of its internet content operations in house, according to reports this morning.

The investment will see Channel 4 create a range of content specifically for internet audiences, including behind the scenes programmes following popular series, such as Hollyoaks.

The broadcaster currently provides clips of programmes from shows such as Jamie’s School Dinners and T4 for free, while providing live streaming of Big Brother for a one off fee of £14.99.

However, the new move will see Channel 4 offer 90% of its online content free of charge, according to Broadcast, supplementing its free content with premium offerings, such as Big Brother, at an extra cost to subscribers.

As well as bespoke online content, the broadcaster will allow viewers to contribute their own programmes, as has been seen with the broadcaster’s recently launched FourDocs online documentary channel (see Channel 4 Unveils FourDocs To Boost PSB Content Online).

Channel Four: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com

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