
Channel 4 Set To Scoop Freeview Airspace

Channel 4 Set To Scoop Freeview Airspace

Channel 4 Logo Channel 4 looks set to scoop the latest slot on the Freeview platform following Five’s withdrawal from bidding after securing alternative spectrum via Top Up TV.

The two broadcasters had been facing a head to head battle over the Freeview airspace, although Five’s deal to secure spectrum space from Top Up TV for its first digital offering leaves Channel 4 as the prime candidate to secure the slot.

The Freeview slot has been made available by National Grid Wireless, formerly Crown Castle, and is reportedly worth £12m.

Channel 4 is believed to be interested in the spectrum in order to launch a timeshifted version of drama and documentary channel, More4, bringing the channel into line with its entertainment-focused stablemate, E4 (see E4 Set For Freeview Launch Next Month).

Reports today suggest that the new channel will be broadcast-ready by the end of this week, although services may not be offered on the airspace for several months as negotiations with potential bidders continue.

Earlier this month saw ITV launch the latest entertainment channel on the Freeview platform, with ITV4 offering viewers premium sporting events, detective and crime based shows and big budget American imports (see ITV Gears Up For Digital Launch).

Channel Four: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com Freeview: 08708 80 99 80 www.freeview.co.uk

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