
Chrysalis Remains GMG’s National Sales House For Radio Brands

Chrysalis Remains GMG’s National Sales House For Radio Brands

Chrysalis Logo Guardian Media Group (GMG) has renewed its contract for Chrysalis Radio Sales to act as the national radio sales house for its Smooth and Real Radio brands.

Under the new three-year agreement, Chrysalis Radio Sales will continue to sell advertising on Real Radio and Smooth FM to advertisers and agencies in London, while GMG will continue to handle all local and regional deals directly.

Chrysalis Radio Sales has sold advertising airtime, including spot advertising, sponsorship and promotion deals on the GMG radio portfolio since the company started.

Don Thomson, commercial director of Chrysalis Radio, said: “We are delighted that GMG has chosen to extend what has been a close and highly collaborative relationship. This contract renewal demonstrates the strength of the commercial division at Chrysalis Radio. As we re-align our commercial teams with agency networks and merge our S&P and airtime teams, we are looking forward to period of further growth.”

Julian Carter, group sales director of GMG Radio, added: “We are delighted to have re-signed our agreement. Chrysalis and GMG are great partners and together we provide substantial choice for advertisers across the UK. We look forward to continued growth across our brands.”

Chrysalis: 020 7221 2213 www.chrysalis.com

GMG Radio: 0113 307 1400 www.gmgradio.co.uk

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