
CIA MediaLab Report: Driving Digital

CIA MediaLab Report: Driving Digital

In their recent report “Kids, Clarity And Killer Applications”, CIA Medialab examine the current drivers of subscriptions to digital TV compared with the key drivers two years ago when digital services first launched.

Initially it was thought that ‘pester power’ and ‘reclaiming lost TV events’ (football, for example) would be the most persuasive factors but recently CIA MediaLab have identified an alternative set of motivators. Whilst interactivity remains no great lure for most of the viewing population, a multitude of extra channels and superior picture quality emerged as popular reasons for subscribing.

CIA report that time spent viewing has increased in digital homes as has channel surfing although ad-avoidance has not declined. It is feared that innovations such as TiVo could further increase such behaviour although the prohibitive cost of such equipment will initially limit the implications of this.

Interactive TV has not taken off as many had hoped although it’s growth may have been slightly hampered by providers inability to offer a full range of services to all subscribers in all areas.

CIA sites simplicity as a necessary characteristic of successful iTV, the use of microsites and easy to use click throughs for offers and shopping and warn “Advertisers must be aware of sensory overload as they develop interactive content” and conclude that “The challenge for advertisers will be to develop relevant, interactive content that not only conveys their proposition in a straightforward, simple manner but also complements existing product offers while managing viewer expectation.”

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