
CIA MediaLab/Admap Forecasts

CIA MediaLab/Admap Forecasts

These forecasts see Commercial Radio growing at twice the rate of other media in 2000, at 12%. The effect of these growth rates would give Commercial Radio a 6.2% share for 2000.

Of the other media, Television at 6% is predicted to fare better than the average 5%, while the Press and Cinema would lose share. The growth in Television is expected to come from new Satellite, Cable and Digital channels, and Channel 5, as the combined ITV and GMTV drop below a 60% share of revenue for the first time. Newspapers’ circulation is expected to fall by 3%, but revenues will be buoyed by dot com revenues.

The Internet as a medium for UK advertisers is expected to double its revenue and catch up Cinema in the process during 2000.

  1999  2000  % growth 
All Advertising  9,818 10,307 5.00%
All Display  7,775 8,215 5.70%
Commercial Radio  454 507 12.00%
Television  3,635 3,855 6.00%
National Press  1,868 1,912 2.50%
Regional Press  2,426 2,490 3.00%
Consumer Magazines  728 757 4.00%
Outdoor  564 592 5.00%
Cinema  97 99 2.00%
Internet  46 95 106.00%

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