
City AM Eyes Expansion Through American Edition

City AM Eyes Expansion Through American Edition

City AM Logo Business freesheet City AM is considering a launch into the American market, according to industry reports, with a paper preparing a New York edition, dubbed Wall Street AM.

According to Marketing Week, the new edition could launch before the end of the year, although doubt still surrounds the launch schedule for the title, which is likely to be delayed, at least until City AM becomes profitable.

Explaining the situtation to Marketing Week, City AM co-founder Lawson Muncaster, said: “It’s a no-brainer when launching any business in the financial sector to protext yourself globally, so we have trademarked the name Wall Street AM. But until we make ourselves profitable in the UK, nothing is going to happen elsewhere.”

Earlier this year, City AM released research claiming to have cornered an exclusive core readership, stating that 71% of its readers in the City do not read any other quality daily (see Research Shows City AM Cornering Wealthy Readers).

Elsewhere, research by NOP shows 16% of London’s population read City AM, compared to 12% who read the FT (see City AM Claims More Readers Than FT).

City AM: 020 7015 1200 www.cityam.co.uk

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