
Clear Channel Lights Up Piccadilly

Clear Channel Lights Up Piccadilly

Piccadilly Circus Clear Channel Outdoor has entered into partnership with MT2 to sell advertising on the new Land Securities’ owned LED screen – Piccadilly Lite – situated in the Piccadilly Lights complex in the heart of London’s West End.

This is the first time in almost a century that such a flexible advertising opportunity has been offered at the Piccadilly Lights location and, according to Clear Channel, it will enable clients to generate maximum impact on the highest resolution, animated screen in the complex.

The real estate investment trust, Land Securities, which has owned Piccadilly Lights since the 1970s, has developed Piccadilly Lite to allow more advertisers to benefit from the exposure the site provides. Clear Channel Outdoor is now working with MT2 to enable brands to tactically advertise their campaigns and fully realise the flexibility of digital outdoor.

Rob Atkinson, group sales director at Clear Channel Outdoor UK, said: “London’s most famous landmark is now available for advertisers to talk to consumers on a campaign by campaign basis and, through the latest LED technology, be at the cutting-edge of outdoor advertising.”

The site, which measures 23m by 2m, is said to reach a young, affluent audience in excess of 2.2 million per fortnight. Images can be static or animated, allowing complete creative flexibility. Campaigns of 30″, 60″ or longer can be booked for between two and 12 weeks, allowing advertisers to create targeted campaigns and change messages at different times of the day.

Piccadilly Lite will also allow members of the public to post personal, rolling messages at the cost of £1,000 per minute. Personal messages will be limited to about ten minutes of the day, with the rest of the time allocated to commercial advertising.

Clear Channel: 020 7478 2928 www.clearchannel.co.uk

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