
CMR Predicts ‘Modest Growth’ For Advertising Sector

CMR Predicts ‘Modest Growth’ For Advertising Sector

US adspend will increase by more than 3% to $117.5 billion in 2003, according to a full-year forecast issued by CMR yesterday.

In its last market study, CMR was upbeat on the state of the advertising market, pronouncing that 2002 would see positive growth of 2.5% (see US Adspend Up By $2 Billion Through Third Quarter) and it has seen no reason to temper its optimism.

“For 2003, we see a continued rise in ad spending,” said Steven J. Fredericks, president and CEO of CMR/TNS Media Intelligence. “The spending growth seen in the last half of 2002 was clear evidence of a market rebound, and we believe the current economic upturn, while not robust, will continue to be reflected in the modest growth of advertising.”

CMR foresees a rise of 3.3% in total advertising expenditure with growth strongest in the first half of the year as a result of more favourable year on year comparisons. Lower growth rates are expected after June because the market picked up in the second half of 2002 and election spending peaked.

2003 US Adspend Growth Forecasts 
Period  Change vs 2002 (%) 
Q1 4.2
Q2 4.7
Q3 2.7
Q4 1.6
Full Year 3.3
Source: CMR/TNS Media Intelligence, January 2003 

All major media will benefit from the overall hike in adspend with Spanish language TV to the fore with projected growth of 9.2%. Internet expenditure, which fell by almost a fifth in the first three quarters of 2002, is expected to rise by 7.4% while cable revenues are set for a 5% jump.

2003 US Adspend Growth Forecasts, By Medium 
Medium  Change vs 2002 (%) 
Network TV 2.7
Spot TV 1.9
Cable Network TV 4.8
Spanish Language TV 9.2
Syndication 2.5
Consumer/Sunday Magazines 2.7
B2B Magazines 3.6
Newspapers 2.6
Radio 3.8
Outdoor 3.4
Internet 7.4
Source: CMR/TNS Media Intelligence, January 2003 

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