
Connected TV World Summit returns to tackle ‘The Great Recalibration’ of TV

Connected TV World Summit returns to tackle ‘The Great Recalibration’ of TV

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The Connected TV World Summit will be held as an in-person event in London this May.

The Mediatel event focuses on ‘The Great Recalibration’ of the television industry and what every TV stakeholder must do to grow their business and ensure their continued relevance into the 2030s.

Key themes span the future of aggregation, the evolution of free-to-view TV, next-generation content distribution strategies and advanced TV advertising.

‘The Great Recalibration’ is the umbrella theme for Connected TV World Summit 2022, as the world’s number-one TV strategy and technology thought-leadership conference returns as an in-person gathering in May.

This event, which attracts leaders from across the Pay TV, broadcasting and streaming landscape, will explore the new TV blueprint and what every TV stakeholder must do to grow their business and ensure their continued relevance into the 2030s.

The agenda will include:

    • The latest thinking on Pay TV content aggregation and curation, with a special focus on super-aggregation and the new platform/app relationship


    • The future of free-to-view, including the role of free-to-air broadcast platforms in a world filled with free streaming, and the evolution of BVOD.


    • Next-generation entertainment ‘platforms’, spanning RDK and Android to Smart TV operating systems, direct-to-TV (operator as an app) and even operator-owned television sets.


    • Connected TV distribution and advertising (including how we fully monetise CTV audiences)
    • Next-generation content discovery and UI/UX innovation


    • The evolution of content and content distribution strategies, including D2C and sports rights


    • Addressable TV advertising (and especially how media owners can create value for themselves and advertisers through targeting that harnesses their first-party data.


    • Cross-platform audience measurement and its role in enabling successful Total TV (broadcast+streaming) advertising.


    • Autonomous vehicle entertainment (nascent ecosystem opportunities for platforms through to content owners) and the entertainment metaverse: the scope for content owners and aggregators to provide our virtual-life programming and advertising.


    • Streaming delivery networks – preparing for a world where World Cup finals are streamed to half the population, including across rural areas.


    • Beyond-TV revenue opportunities for service providers, from smart Wi-Fi and smart assistants to home cybersecurity.


Steve Scaffardi, head of Mediatel Events, said: “The emphasis at Connected TV World Summit is on puzzle solving and real-world implementation, and the event never fails to attract the biggest names in Pay TV, broadcasting, streaming, studios and TV tech.

“You can expect an outpouring of new thinking and best practice with global relevance. And of course, this is an important and long-awaited opportunity to network with international delegates and speakers.”

The Connected TV World Summit 2022 is held at The Royal College of Physicians in London on May 24-25 and, for the first time, will incorporate Mediatel Events’ streaming-focused conference, Videoscape Europe.

Read detailed themes at the Connected TV World Summit website here.

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