
Consumer ABCs 2023: News and current affairs titles fall in print and digital circulation

Consumer ABCs 2023: News and current affairs titles fall in print and digital circulation
Consumer ABCs 2023

With some exceptions, such as Our Media’s BBC Sky at Night and Future’s The Week in digital, news and current affairs magazines saw declines in both print and digital circulation in 2023.

Market leader The Economist saw year-on-year falls in digital (-2.5%) and print (-12.6%), with combined circulation totalling 1.5m.

Private Eye, which still publishes exclusively in print and last year managed to grow circulation by 4.4%, saw a decline of 6.1% in 2023 to 233,118.

Meanwhile, although The Week saw an uptick in digital circulation (0.8%), print circulation fell 14.6% to 102,463.

The general decline follows recent lay-offs at major news magazines, such as Time magazine, whose EMEA edition had declines in both print (-15.1%) and digital (-8.4%).

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