
Consumer ABCs: Women’s Weeklies

Consumer ABCs: Women’s Weeklies

Continuing the narrative of decline in the women’s weeklies market, the latest ABC circulation figures for the first half of 2019 did not paint a pretty picture.

However, despite often double-digit drops for a market that tends to shun digital, the top performing titles still maintain reasonable circulations.

Bauer Media’s Take a Break continues to lead the pack with a circulation of 432,700 despite being down -6.6% period-on-period and -8.4% year-on-year, while TI Media’s Woman’s Weekly still shifts 227,500 copies (-3.8% PoP and -5.5% YoY).

Meanwhile, Chat was down -10.5% in the first half of the year, recording a circulation of just over 182,000, followed by That’s Life with 175,200 (-8.1% PoP and -8.6% YoY).

The worst performing title was OK! Magazine with a hefty decline of -15.5% PoP and -18.5% YoY, taking the title to 126,000 copies.

Other titles in the market that suffered double-digit declines include New Magazine (-12.1% PoP), Real People (-11.6% PoP), and Bella (-11% PoP).

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