
Consumer ABCs: Women’s Weeklies

Consumer ABCs: Women’s Weeklies

The women’s weeklies market is in terminal decline with all titles recording both period-on-period and year-on-year declines for two consecutive quarters.

However, some of the top performing titles do still maintain healthy circulations. Remaining at the top of the chart by some degree is Bauer Media’s Take a Break – leading the pack with a circulation of 416,700 despite being down -3.7% period-on-period and -10% year-on-year.

Meanwhile, TI Media’s Woman’s Weekly still shifts 226,400 copies (-0.5% PoP and -4.2% YoY).

Some of the worst performing titles include Reach’s OK! Magazine with a serious decline of -22% YoY and -7.7% PoP, taking the title to 116,300 copies; and New!, down -18.5% YoY and -7.3% PoP to 135,600.

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