
Consumer ABCs August 2021: Womens Weeklies

Consumer ABCs August 2021: Womens Weeklies

There were no positive gains across the competitive women’s weeklies market for the first six months of 2021, according to the latest ABC data.

Bauer’s Take a Break still leads the field with a combined print and digital (gross) circulation over 335,000 on average weekly.

This is despite an 8.6% decline compared to the previous six-month period Jul-Dec 2020. Take a Break also fell 12% year on year.

Many of the magazines in the sector suffered double-digit drops for their combined print and digital audience. The biggest year-on-year faller was Bauer’s Closer (down nearly 19% to 97,000) and the biggest fall period on period fall was News UK’s Love It! (down 10% to 62,000).

However, Bauer’s Heat benefited from a 77% increase in its digital circulation year on year, which stands at 12,000 for the period. The title still skews heavily towards print, which was 58,000 (down 19% year on year).

Patrick Dolan, Group Account Director at Spark Foundry, said a number of publishers are now beginning to welcome “shoppable formats” to printed media.

Phuzion Media,mobile image recognition platform, has been buzzword across a number of publishers, Dolan added.

“Titles such as Bauer’s Grazia and Heat are bringing their pages to life with this innovative technology that allows readers to scan their phone over the page and be directed to a brand e-commerce site,” he said. “This approach is further scaling publishers first party data which will be vital for targeting key consumer audiences in a cookieless world.”

Mediatel Connected has compiled the latest ABC consumer magazine data for the period to June 2021 in the following table for the Women’s Weeklies market. To view the table, please login or and visit the Press app in Mediatel Connected to explore further.

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