
Decline Continues In US B2B Publishing Sector

Decline Continues In US B2B Publishing Sector

The poor advertising conditions in the US business to business (B2B) publishing sector continued in January, with ad page volumes showing a 4.6% year on year decline. The latest data from American Business Media show that ad expenditure declined by 2.4%.

The figures are prepared by ABM’s Business Information Network (BIN) and were compiled for the first time in January by IMS/The Auditor, replacing previous provider TNS Media Intelligence/CMR.

Only two categories showed positive adspend growth in the month: Services, direct response and classified, up by 18.3%, and finance, business and advertising, up by just 0.6%.

ABM is forecasting that the full year will see revenue growth of between 2% and 4%. Most of this growth is expected to come in the second half of the year.

US Business To Business Adspend By Sector, January 2004 
  Jan-04  Year To Date 
  Revenue ($000)  Year On Year Change  Revenue ($000)  Year On Year Change 
Finance, Business & Advertising 71,893 0.6% 71,893 20.0%
Telecommunications 6,379 -6.3% 6,379 -1.7%
Computers 33,015 -1.8% 33,015 -16.9%
Software 32,785 -13.3% 32,785 -9.0%
Manufacturing & Elec. Equip.,Mat’s & Components 12,583 -9.2% 12,583 -7.3%
Drugs & Toiletries/PERQ 69,203 -2.7% 69,203 3.9%
Services, Direct Response, Classified 71,989 18.3% 71,989 11.4%
Retail 53,664 -4.9% 53,664 10.3%
Home & Building 80,099 -6.7% 80,099 3.6%
Automotive 14,784 -15.0% 14,784 13.1%
Travel 14,966 -15.9% 14,966 -5.1%
Total  461,360  -2.5%  461,360  0.7% 
Source: American Business Media, March 2004 

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