
Decline Eases Slightly In US B2B Advertising

Decline Eases Slightly In US B2B Advertising

US business-to-business (B2B) advertising spend decreased by 9% in October, whilst advertising page volumes decreased by 10.6%, according to the latest figures from American Business Media (ABM).

This is an improvement in the rate of decline, with overall growth this year standing at -16.7%; pages are down by 16.9% in the calendar year.

“In spite of continued weakness in the telecommunications sector, the rate of decline in year-to-date ad spending and pages is still moving in the right direction,” says Gordon Hughes, CEO of ABM. “As of September, spending was down 17.4%. The October data shows spending down by 16.7%. We remain cautiously optimistic that this trend will continue in the remainder of the fourth quarter.”

US Business To Business Adspend By Sector, October 2002 
  October  Year To October 
  Revenue ($ million)  Year On Year Change  Revenue ($ million)  Year On Year Change 
Finance, Business & Advertising 121,744 -17.5% 1,055,440 -24.6%
Telecommunications 16,297 -40.3% 159,827 -44.8%
Computers 46,080 -18.8% 418,555 -22.4%
Software 58,287 -19.3% 564,503 -20.1%
Manufacturing & Elec. Equip.,Mat’s & Components 58,209 -6.8% 513,930 -19.9%
Drugs & Toiletries/PERQ 79,732 10.8% 745,100 2.0%
Horticulture & Farming 11,544 1.2% 125,969 -21.8%
Services, Direct Response, Classified 120,271 -6.9% 1,036,337 -17.0%
Retail 48,242 -5.4% 397,007 -9.1%
Home & Building 50,531 4.2% 426,914 -3.2%
Automotive 27,858 -8.8% 228,033 -6.3%
Travel 40,816 9.0% 323,426 -10.5%
Total  679,610  -9.0%  5,995,040  -16.7% 
Source: American Business Media, December 2002 

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