
Dennis Renames Gambling Magazine

Dennis Renames Gambling Magazine

Poker Equipment Dennis publishing has decided to change the name of its gambling magazine InsideEdge to InsidePoker.

Launched in April 2004, and aimed predominantly at sports betters, InsideEdge was the first monthly betting magazine to have a national news stand distribution and the first to have an officially audited circulation figure.

The magazine underwent a redesign in May 2005 when, following reader research, the decision was made to concentrate on poker coverage above sport.

Publisher Richard Downey said: “With the amount of great feedback we have received since the redesign and the amount of hard work the team has put in to establish the title as the number one magazine in Europe for experienced players it became clear that as the content has evolved so should the name of the magazine.”

At the last ABCs, InsideEdge had a circulation figure of 15,601, whilst the publisher’s Poker Player magazine had a total circulation of 16,479.

ABC figures for July-December 2006 are released on February 15, with NewsLine providing comprehensive coverage of all areas of the results.

Dennis Publishing: 020 7907 6000 www.dennis.co.uk

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