
Digital TV Debate To Set The Agenda

Digital TV Debate To Set The Agenda

The future of digital TV will be put under the spotlight tomorrow, with MediaTel Group, in association with MediaGuardian, presenting a seminar on the topic, chaired by the BBC’s media correspondent, Torin Douglas, and featuring a panel of distinguished media commentators.

Held at the Guardian Newsroom, the event will comprise a panel debate and audience question and answer session tackling issues such as “Will the analogue switch-off be complete by 2012?” and “How will new technology drive advertising plans?”

The discussion panel will comprise Bob Wootton, director of media and marketing at ISBA; journalist and broadcaster, Ray Snoddy; Ilse Howling, head of digital marketing and communications at the BBC and David Scott, deputy chief executive at Channel 4.

The event is now fully booked, although both NewsLine and MediaTel INSIGHT will carry coverage of the seminar’s key points and opinions from delegates.

MediaTel Group recently completed the first survey of the UK’s top media buying and planning agencies on the future of the TV landscape, finding a wide disparity in respondent’s views as to the winners and losers in the digital age (see Media Agencies Uncertain Of Digital Switchover).

More details of the survey are included in MediaTel INSIGHT’s Spring Edition of the Digital TV Executive Summary, which can be ordered online – price – £225.


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