
DMGT Ad Revenues Decline

DMGT Ad Revenues Decline

Daily Mail & General Trust (DMGT) has announced that advertising revenue for both its national and regional divisions declined year on year for the 11 months to the end of August.

DMGT’s national division, Associated Newspapers, saw total advertising revenues fall by 2% (6% excluding acquisitions), with DMGT putting the “robust performance” down to strong growth in digital revenue.

Regional publishing division Northcliffe Newspapers saw advertising revenues decline 8% year on year, with a 17% decline in revenues from recruitment and advertising.

DGMT said that in its full year results, to be announced in November, it will report exceptional gains of around £180 million arising from disposals, principally Aberdeen Journals and Study Group.

It will also report other exceptional gains of around £20 million, mainly from the recent sale of its remaining shares in Reuters.

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