
Ecommerce, Technology, IT And Internet Forecasts From EITO

Ecommerce, Technology, IT And Internet Forecasts From EITO

The European Information Technology Observatory (EITO) has compiled its 2002 trends and forecasts statistics on the worldwide and European information and communications technology markets (ICT) markets.

The research group notes that 2001 was a difficult year for the global economy and for the ICT industry, but argues that Europe continues to progress towards the e-economy.

The e-economy By the end of 2001, Europe had 148 million web users – 38% of the total population. EITO expects this to rise to 63% of the population by 2005. Widespread internet use is a precondition for e-business to truly unfold its potential in terms of productivity and competitiveness, new applications and new jobs, says the report.

Total Western European internet commerce in 2001 amounted to approximately E172 billion. EITO expects this market to increase ten times reaching E1,682 billion by 2005.

Worldwide ICT market The group forecasts that the worldwide ICT market will grow by 9.8% from a value of E2,442 billion in 2002 to E2680bn in 2003.

Worldwide ICT* market average growth 
  Market value (Ebn)  YoY growth (%) 
1999 1946 9.6
2000 2194 12.7
2001 2292 4.4
2002 2442 6.6
2003 2680 9.8
* information and communications technology 
Source: EITO, 2002 

Western European ICT market The Western European ICT market is predicted to grow by 7.8% from E678bn in 2002 to E731bn by 2003. Germany and the UK have the greatest share of the market, at 21% each.

Western European ICT* market growth 
  Market value (Ebn)  YoY growth (%) 
2000 612 13.2
2001 643 5.1
2002 678 5.4
2003 731 7.8
* information and communications technology 
Source: EITO, 2002 

European IT market The EITO research also forecasts the growth of the IT market in the key Western European countries. Growth in 2002 will be highest in the UK, at 7.1%; in 2003 Italy will show the highest IT market growth rate at 10.2%, as shown.

Western European IT market growth, by country 
  2001  2002  2003 
France 5.5 5.9 9.3
Germany 1.2 2.9 7.4
Italy 7.8 6.8 10.2
UK 5.8 7.1 10
Spain 6.1 6.6 9.4
Western Europe 3.9 5.1 8.8
Source: EITO, 2002 

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