
Emap Signs Cross Media Sponsorship Of Flagship Brands

Emap Signs Cross Media Sponsorship Of Flagship Brands

Emap Logo Emap has signed the latest in a long line of cross media deals, securing car manufacturer Toyota for a six-figure deal spanning its flagship brands, FHM, Heat and Kiss.

The deal will see Toyota given coverage across Emap’s print, radio and online portfolio, centring around the launch of the car giant’s new model, the AYGO.

The campaign’s creative will employ Toyota’s ‘Do Something Memorable’ strapline, with lists of memorable experiences readers can take part in appearing throughout magazines such as FHM, Zoo, Heat, New Woman and More. Editorial will also drive readers to magazines’ online counterparts to enter competitions for the chance to win a memorable experience.

Similarly, Emap’s involved radio stations will ask listeners to call in and nominate their most memorable tunes, with an on air countdown of the most-nominated songs underlining the activity. Those stations running the campaign activity include Kiss, the Big City network and DAB stations Q, Kerrang!, Heat and The Hits.

Examples of the ‘Memorable Experiences’ on offer include a chance to see U2 live in Munich, Green Day live in Paris, a trip to go gambling in Monaco, flying lessons or a trip to have dinner at the Eiffel Tower.

The campaign was negotiated and planned by Emap Advertising and ZenithOptimedia as part of an extensive launch for the AYGO.

Commenting on the marketing, Sapna Burton, account manager in Cross Media Solutions at Emap Advertising, said: “This deal demonstrates the effectiveness of cross-media deals for targeting a core 18-34 urban audience using the same core campaign creative. Online support via the magazine and on air activity adds value to the campaign for our readers and listeners with the chance to win such fantastic prizes.”

Robin Giles, general manager for communications at Toyota added: “The opportunity to integrate our new AYGO across Emap’s extensive portfolio was the perfect way for us to reach our core demographic efficiently whilst associating ourselves with some of our target consumers’ favourite brands.”

The Toyota activity is the latest in a long line of cross media campaigns run by Emap. The company recently ran promotions with Sony Pictures (see Emap Extends Cross Media Promotion With XXX), Sony Computer Entertainment (see Emap Signs Cross Media Ad Deal With Sony) and 3A Entertainment (see Kiss Signed For Cross Media Nelly Promotion) to maximise the power of its media networks for advertisers.

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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