
Empire Strikes Back

Empire Strikes Back

Empire Magazine Film magazine Empire is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Wars by creating 30 different covers featuring characters from the classic sci-fi film.

The covers, which have been designed in partnership with George Lucas’ Lucasfilm company, are a feature of the title’s July edition and are all available to buy online, with discounted rates for collectors making multiple purchases.

This initiative will be exclusive to the UK, with characters featured including Han Solo, Darth Vader, Jabba, Anakin Skywalker, CP-30 and R2-D2 amongst others.

In addition to the 30 covers there will be another 10 exclusive, golden Jar Jar Binks covers.

In the style of Willy Wonka, any reader that finds one of the 10 golden Jar Jar Binks covers will win a “money can’t buy” goody bag direct from Skywalker Ranch in the US.

Empire is no stranger to adding special features, as the June issue contained a special 18 certificate sealed section in celebration of the title’s eighteenth birthday (see Empire Goes Risqu[[special-character:(17)]] For Its Big Day).

Since the end of 2004, ABC figures have shown the title to record a fairly steady decline in its circulation. However, the publication experienced a marginal rise for July to December 2006 compared to the previous period, now reporting a total figure of 175,854.

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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